Thank you, St. Luke congregation, for your support and prayers for our 2024 VBS!  

We appreciate the donations of food items, and assistance with setup, decorating, take-down, planning, and organization. Also, thank you to the many volunteers (including youth and adult members alike), for registration, meals, snacks, music, photography, media, teaching, guiding, crafting, games and recreation, etc. 

We were blessed to provide a fun and Christ-centered week for 35-40 kids depending on the day (Travelers), embarking on The Great Jungle Journey. This was an epic cruise from Genesis to Revelation. 

The kids cruised through jungle rivers, making stops at several ports of call along the way - each starting with "C." These were the 7 C's of History teaching about key Biblical events (Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation). 

The children also enjoyed events throughout each day, such as our Jungle Jam Assembly, Rain or Shine Bible Time (lesson), Tree-mendous Crafts, Rainforest Recreation and Games, Swinging Songs, and Canopy Cafe Snacks! 

Lastly, our Travelers had a Mission's Moment offering each day for the missionaries that St. Luke supports in Tanzania, Africa and Papua New Guinea, Australia. We showed the kids fun photos of the Jungle places these missionaries are working in service to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We look forward to our 2025 VBS program.  Stay tuned!

